Marlena Smith

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Project Description


Direct Mail Specialist

Phone:  619 444 2525 Email:
Marlena has enjoyed the Marketing and Advertising business since 1984 where she started in yellow pages at GTE Directories in Roseville, CA. She began working with Automotive Dealerships in 1994 supervising direct mail events in Alaska, Hawaii, Washington & California. Sitting at a dealership waiting for ‘UPS’ taught Marlena valuable lessons on the importance of creating traffic with mailers.

In 2002 she began working with Intelligent Direct Marketing where she quickly moved from Rookie of the Year to West Coast Regional Manager and then finally to Vice President.

Marlena really loves what she does. Creative design, NCOA Approved List, Supervised Mailings, UPS/Direct Sales Result Accounting, or all ''Direct-to-Consumer'' campaigns, you can count on Marlena. WE DO!